An all year-round destination, Pitlochry is one of the best locations from which to explore Highland Perthshire
The clans of Loch Rannoch, were known for their lawlessness, living in a very tough environment. It is hard to imagine, Rannoch glen was so turbulent when it is so tranquil today.
The Clans of Rannoch:- MacDonalds, The Menzies, the MacGregors, the MacDougalls, the Camerons, the Robertsons and the Stewarts, who all once lived here.
Early accounts of Rannoch, give an overriding picture of lawlessness in a very hard evironment. Before 1700s the people lived in stone built huts with walls about five feet high, the roof was of heather and turf, with a small hole to let the smoke from their peat fires out. The floor was earth, with very little furniture may be a wooden stool, the bed was heather bracken as the mattress on the floor in the corner.
It was a very tough environment to live, the land as it is today was poor, rocky and marshy, with many culltivating land high on the hill side as this was the only dry land they could find.
Cattle were the main form of farming, the crops were very meagre. High up in the hills are the remains of sheilings, the summer residences, where the women and children would spend the summer months with the cattle, this custom prevailed at Rannoch until the mid 19th century.
The Loch Rannoch Clan Trail consists of a series of information points, which are clearly marked by a marked beside the road, the Clan Trail takes you in an anti-clockwise direction around Loch Rannoch. There are eight markers, that you have to watch out for and at each marker there is an information board describing what happened here in the past.